DUSK is another one of those 666.69/10 games that I absolutely love. With a gameplay as smooth as butter and with an rich atmosphere that will either put the depresso in your espresso or will put the shit in your pants and music composed by the legendary Andrew (motherfucking) Hulshult, you can’t go wrong with this game, its definitely worth the money.


  Developed and released in 2018 by the big dick motherfucker known as David Szymanski alongside the gays over at New Blood Interactive, DUSK is one of those retro inspired FPS games that will blow your balls away, it is that good.



To be honest I’m kinda ashamed I don’t have the words to express how good this fucking game is apart from “its good, go play it loser”. So let’s take a more step-by-step approach in tackling this one starting with:


   Like I previously mentioned, the gameplay is as smooth as butter, which I hate, I fucking hate butter, but the overall flow, movement and feel of this game I like. It’s developed competently by people that have played and are used with these kind of “boomer shooter” games which is a good sign. The guns are fucking fantastic, reliable, crunchy sounding, satisfying, they are everything that you need in a game like this. The enemy variety can go from bitch-ass cultist rednecks to zombified/possessed people and animals to eldritch abominations that come straight outta Lovecraft’s works and all of them look fantastic in their low-poly glory, very meaty targets to shot at, very nice.




              The main “problem” I guess is that this game can be quite repetitive. Afterall it was inspired by old FPS games where the objective a lot of the time it was collecting keys, murdering mofos and getting out alive, this set of objectives this game also shares, however, the levels are pretty varied. I don’t want to spoil anything but if you we’re worried about the lack of variety in levels than you shouldn’t worry when it comes to this game, some levels later on do get pretty creative in exceeding expectations (*cough* *cough* E2M5 *cough cough)




Produced and composed by this sexy rat, Andrew Hulshult (as previously mentioned), has to be one of the best industrial-metal based OST I’ve ever listened to. It so good it fucks harder than my dad (trust me I know this for a fact) and I listen to it daily. I’ve even burned CD’s with it (Don’t tell no one plz)



 You should listen to it NOW: https://andrewhulshult.bandcamp.com/album/dusk-original-game-soundtrack



 Its great, that’s why the game recommends wearing headphones lol. It will put the shit in your pants and you will have to clean them. It’s spooky, and chill (like, you can FEEL the cold from this one) and its great, really.




I personally think that if you intentionally don’t put the effort into playing this game at least for once in your life than you should drink diarrhea. You should also get the fuck away from me because you clearly are infected with the COVID19, which one of its symptoms is not having good taste. And if don’t play Dusk specifically because it has “shit” graphics, first of all, I would like to tell you that the team of gays at New Blood Interactive are working on an update that wouId include HD graphics. And second of all, I would also like for you to go lick a doormat since you want to act like a pretentious bastard about video game graphics and not take in consideration the artistic choice of the developer.

 Overall DUSK is good and you should play it NOW


Link to links to it
